Onboarding participants
Last modified on Mon 11 Dec 2023

Some participants will be workshopping veterans. Some might be newbies looking for guidance every step of the way. It’s your job to make sure that both types of participants (and everyone in between) do well in your workshop.

Start by sharing the agenda with the workshop team. Make sure to flag who’s expected to attend which exercise and why. A pro tip: record a walkthrough of the agenda and describe the process in more detail. Participants can watch the video when they catch some time and you’ll get fewer questions than with just an email describing the agenda.

The next step is to book a short 15-min call with participants before the workshop to show them around. You can bulk a few of them on a call, just make sure that everyone gets some call time with you before the workshop. On that call, you can re-iterate through the agenda, show them exercise templates and explain what are the outputs of each exercise.

Leave some room for their questions. If there’s something you can't answer right away, write it down and follow up via email.

If you’re running a remote workshop, either check on that call if participants can access the workshopping tool or follow up via email on this. Make sure that you can see that all participants' slots in FigJam are claimed and you can see that everyone has created their Figma account.