Formatting, naming and best practices
Last modified on Thu 23 Jan 2025

This chapter covers various best practices when writing templates, business logic, components, services, etc. We also include some Angular-specific design patterns.

A quick note on formatting

A lot of bike-shedding can be avoided by using a tool that enforces the formatting rules. Luckily, such a tool exists and it is called prettier. We have detailed how to use prettier alongside some other tools as well—you can check it out here!

Even when using prettier, there can still be some cases in which prettier is unopinionated and it is up to us to decide what is the best way to name and format things. Some such cases are covered by this chapter.

Best practices

Use a meaningful component prefix

The following examples in this chapter are using my-app component selector prefix. For the purposes of future-proofing and avoiding conflicts with other libs, prefix all component selectors with something unique/app-specific. Specify the prefix in angular.json.

If you are passing data to a component, use property binding only if necessary

In the following example, property binding is unnecessary because we are assigning a string value.

<!-- bad -->
<my-app-component [name]="'Steve'" />

<!-- good -->
<my-app-component name="Steve" />

Prefix output handlers with on

<!-- bad -->
<my-app-component (somethingHappened)="somethingHappened($event)" />

<!-- bad -->
<my-app-component (onSomethingHappened)="somethingHappened($event)" />

<!-- bad -->
<my-app-component (onSomethingHappened)="onSomethingHappened($event)" />

<!-- good -->
<my-app-component (somethingHappened)="onSomethingHappened($event)" />

Name click handlers in a short and descriptive manner

<!-- bad -->
<button (click)="onClick()">Log in</button>

<!-- bad - use infinitive instead of past form -->
<button (click)="onLogInClicked()">Log in</button>

<!-- bad - too many words -->
<button (click)="onLogInButtonClick()">Log in</button>

<!-- good -->
<button (click)="onLogInClick()">Log in</button>

Use the optional chaining operator

<!-- bad -->
  @if (user && user.loggedIn) {
    <div>Logged in</div>

<!-- good -->
  @if (user?.loggedIn) {
    <div>Logged in</div>

Use ng-container when possible to reduce the amount of unnecessary DOM elements

<!-- bad - span is unnecessary -->
 @if (something) {

<!-- good - span was unnecessary -->
  @if (something) {

<!-- good - span is necessary because of the class -->
  @if (something) {
    <span class="i-need-this-class"></span>

Use @if; @else

<!-- bad - we have to type the same condition twice and check it twice -->
  @if (something) {

  @if (!something) {

<!-- good -->
 @if (something) {
} @else {

Built-in control flow

Prefer to use the new template built-in control flow instead of structural directives on Angular v17 or higher. While the *ngIf and other directives are not deprecated and will remain as one of the core features even in the future, the new template syntax brings some developer experience improvements.

<!-- directives approach -->
<div *ngIf="condition; else otherTemplate">
  <component-1 />

<ng-template #otherTemplate>
  <component-2 />

<!-- built-in template syntax -->
@if (condition) {
  <component-1 />
} @else {
  <component-2 />

Deferrable views

Deferrable views were added in the Angular v17 along with the new built-in control flow syntax. They consist of different blocks and triggers, please refer to the official documentation for the whole list. Arguably the most important block is the @defer which allows us to defer loading of the component until conditions are met. With deferrable views we increase performance by reducing the initial bundle size and defer components which may never be loaded. Since the syntax is quite new, the use cases and different powerful block/trigger combinations are yet to be discovered and put to a good use, but some of the obvious usages would be:

While you might be tempted to wrap everything into deferrable blocks, there is absolutely no need for such actions, use it where it makes sense. Analyze your code, check for potential bottlenecks and then defer loading of the component where necessary.

Prefer self-closing syntax

Self-closing syntax was introduced in the Angular v15.1 and is basically just a syntactic sugar, but it often does reduce template code and increases readability. While there is nothing we wrong with regular syntax, prefer to use self-closing one whenever possible. Note that this will work with all Angular components, not just your own, Angular Material components are often overlooked. It can also be beneficial to add linter rule to help enforce the syntax.

<!-- not preferred - we have extra tags bloating the template -->

<!-- preferred more concise and readable -->
<my-component />
<my-other-component />

Use attributes for transclusion selectors

When implementing transclusion with manual content selection via the select attribute of the ng-content element, we recommend using attribute selectors.

The my-app-wrapper component template:

<div class="wrapper">
  <p>Wrapper content:</p>
  <ng-content select="[some-stuff]"></ng-content>

Some other component's template:

  <div class="some-item" some-stuff>Some stuff</div>

Order/group attributes and bindings

  1. Structural directives (*ngTemplateOutlet, etc.)
  2. Animation triggers (@fade, [@fade])
  3. Element reference (#myComponent)
  4. HTML attributes (class, etc.)
  5. Non-interpolated string inputs and attributes (foo="bar")
  6. Interpolated inputs ([bar]="theBar")
  7. Two-way bindings ([(ngModel)]="email")
  8. Outputs ((click)="onClick()")
<!-- bad -->

<!-- good -->

[class] vs [ngClass] syntax

If you have to set just one class depending on some condition, [class.class-name]="condition" is the way to go. Example:

<div []="isActive"></div>

If you need to set many classes, [ngClass]="{ ... }" is the way to go. Example:

<div [ngClass]="{ 'active': isActive, 'main-item': isMainItem, 'accent': isAccent }"></div>

Prefix interfaces

Interfaces should be prefixed with I. This might be a polarizing decision, but you should do it because you might have cases where some class implements an interface, and you also have a stub class that implements the same interface.

// bad
interface UserService { }

// good
interface IUserService { }

// if we prefix we can do this:
class UserService implements IUserService { }
class UserServiceStub implements IUserService { }

Prefer interface over type

When defining data structures, prefer using types over interfaces. Use interfaces only for things you want to extend or implement, particularly when working with classes.

// bad
  export interface IUser {
    name: string;

// good
  export type User = {
    name: string;

// good
  export type CSSPropertyValue = number | string;

// good
  export class LoadingDialogTestingService implements ExtractPublic<LoadingDialogService> {

// good
  export abstract class User {
    public id: string;

  export class AdminModel extends User {
    public permissions: Array<Permission>;

  export class AuthorModel extends User {
    public posts: Array<Post>;

Ordering the class members (including getters and lifecycle hooks)

Follow this guideline when ordering class members:

  1. @Inputs
  2. @Outputs
  3. properties
  4. constructor
  5. getters and setters
  6. lifecycle hooks
  7. methods


class MyComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges {
  @Input() public i1: string;
  @Input() public i2: string;
  @Output() public o2: EventEmitter<string> = new EventEmitter();
  protected attr1: number;
  protected attr2: string;
  private attr3: Date;

  constructor(...) { ... }

  protected get computedProp(): string { ... }

  private get secretComputedProp(): number { ... }

  public ngOnInit(): void { ... }

  public ngOnChanges(): void { ... }

  protected onSomeButtonClick(event: MouseEvent): void { ... }

  private someInternalAction(): void { ... }

Always safe-guard ngOnChanges

// bad
class MyComponent {
  @Input() public input1: string;
  @Input() public input2: string;
  private upperCaseInput1: string;

  public ngOnChanges() {
    this.upperCaseInput1 = this.input1.toUpperCase();

The problem with not checking which specific change was triggered is that whatever computation is done might be done unnecessarily. You should add checks so that the action is executed only when the related inputs change and ignore changes of other inputs. In above example upperCaseInput1's value depends only on input1's value, but the assignment will be executed even if only input2 changes, which is unnecessary.

// good
class MyComponent {
  @Input() public input1: string;
  @Input() public input2: string;
  private upperCaseInput1: string;

  public ngOnChanges(changes) {
    if (changes.input1) {
      this.upperCaseInput1 = this.input1.toUpperCase()

Extract ngOnChanges logic into methods

If ngOnChanges contains some logic, it is often a good idea to separate that logic into private methods to increase readability of ngOnChanges method.

// bad
class MyComponent {
  @Input() public user: UserModel;

  private fb = inject(FormBuilder)

  protected userForm: FormGroup;

  public ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
    if (changes.user) {
      this.userForm ={
// good
class MyComponent {
  @Input() public user: UserModel;

  private fb = inject(FormBuilder);

  protected userForm: FormGroup;

  public ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
    if (changes.user) {

  private createUserForm(): void {
    this.userForm ={

We can even go one step further and make things pure:

// even better
class MyComponent {
  @Input() public user: UserModel;

  private fb = inject(FormBuilder);

  protected userForm: FormGroup;

  public ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
    if (changes.user) {
      this.userForm = this.createUserForm(changes.user.currentValue);

  private createUserForm(user: UserModel): FormGroup {

Prefer using ngOnChanges over ngOnInit

In this example we want to react on input changes and call some action.

class MyComponent {
  @Input() public label: string;

  public ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
    if (changes.label) {

  public ngOnInit() {

  private someActions() { ... }

Problem with the above example is that someActions will be called twice, first in ngOnChanges and then in ngOnInit. Yes, this order seems a bit strange - ngOnInit is called after the first ngOnChanges call; but this is just how it is.

class MyComponent {
  @Input() public label: string;

  public ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
    if (changes.label) {

  private someActions() { ... }

Look at your use cases and check if you can remove ngOnInit. You almost never need ngOnInit (more on this in the following sub-chapter). If there are some default input values which should be set, you can do it alongside input declaration (@Input() label: string = 'default label'). Any other reactions to input changes should be done in ngOnChanges.

Consider different initial assignment options

There is often a need to assign some properties during component initialization. This can be done in multiple ways:

  1. In component's constructor
  2. During property declaration
  3. In lifecycle hooks
  4. Subscribing at initialization

When learning Angular, you hear a lot about different lifecycle hooks. Even when creating new components using the Angular CLI, you get a component with empty constructor and empty ngOnInit method. Because of this, it seems natural to use one of these for initialization. We will explore what the options for assignment on initialization and what is the best way to do it.

Example #1 - how a constructor might be used for initial value assignment:

class MyComponent {
  private foo: string;

  constructor() { = 'bar';

This works and there is nothing wrong with this, but it can be written shorter like so:

Example #2 - initial assignment alongside property declaration

class MyComponent {
  private foo: string = 'bar';

We did pretty much the same thing, but a bit shorter.

Example #3 - order during initial assignment alongside property declaration

class MyComponent {
  private foo: string = 'bar';

  constructor() { = 'foo';

Property assignments will be executed immediately after constructor execution has finished, so in this example the final value of foo will be bar.

We recommend setting initial values alongside property declaration since it is the shortest option.

However, there are some cases where you will have to use ngOnInit or ngOnChanges.

Example #4 - when are ngOnInit and ngOnChanges necessary?

// bad
class PersonDetailsComponent {
  @Input() public birthDate: Date;
  protected isLegalAge: boolean;

  constructor() {
    this.isLegalAge = new Date().getYear() - this.birthDate.getYear() > 18;
    // This check is not 100% correct, we are keeping it simple.

If you try this, you will get an exception because birthDate will be undefined at component construction time. Input binding values are available only after ngOnInit and ngOnChanges are called. To make this work, you can use ngOnInit:

// bad
class PersonDetailsComponent implements OnInit {
  @Input() public birthDate: Date;
  protected isLegalAge: boolean;

  ngOnInit() {
    this.isLegalAge = new Date().getYear() - this.birthDate.getYear() > 18;

Using ngOnInit works and we get no exception (with the assumption that a valid Date object is passed down to our component via birthDate input).

We still have one problem with this solution. If input binding changes again (after the initial change), isLegalAge will not be re-assigned. To solve this we simply switch to using ngOnChanges:

// good
class PersonDetailsComponent implements OnChanges {
  @Input() public birthDate: Date;
  protected isLegalAge: boolean;

  ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
    if (changes.birthDate) {
      this.isLegalAge = this.checkIfLegalAge(changes.birthDate.currentValue);

  private checkIfLegalAge(birthDate): boolean {
    return new Date().getYear() - birthDate.getYear() > 18;

Since this check is simple and returns a primitive value, using a getter here is also a valid option and it allows us to remove ngOnChanges completely and reduce the amount of code.

// even better
class PersonDetailsComponent {
  @Input() public birthDate: Date;

  protected get isLegalAge(): boolean {
    return new Date().getYear() - this.birthDate.getYear() > 18;

But be careful when using getters for values which are used in templates because they will be called very often. This is OK only if there is not too much heavy lifting inside getters and if the getter does not return a newly initialized object every time it is called.

To sump up, we recommend using ngOnChanges for computing values based on input changes. You can also use getters if they return primitive values and if the computation is quick and simple.

Postfix observables with $

When you want to observe a value, use some of the classes derived from Observable. Most use cases are covered with one of these:

You can subscribe to all classes derived from Observable in order to receive value changes. You can also use operators to manipulate how and when the value changes are sent to the subscribers.

There is a naming convention for Observable variables—postfixing with a dollar sign:

// bad
const observable: Observable;

// good
const observable$: Observable;

// good
const mySubject$: Subject;

The $ suffix is here to indicate and let you know it is something you can subscribe to, but it does not let you know if you can change the observable in case it is some type of a Subject, e.g. ReplaySubject or BehaviorSubject. This naming convention goes along with the no-exposed-subjects RxJS ESLint rule. The aforementioned rule will cause an error in case you have a publicly exposedSubject. The reasoning behind this is that subjects should never be publicly exposed unless converted to an observable using some pipeable operators or, for example, asObservable function.

class ExampleComponent {
  private _isLoading$ = new BehaviorSubject(false); // for internal use for "state management"
  protected isLoading$ = this._isLoading$.pipe(debounceTime(250)); // for use in template

  // to be called from some methods, for example during data fetching
  private updateLoadingState(state) {

The potential downside of this convention/pattern is the name separation, in case of a naming conflict, the private member name should be prefixed with the _.

Get to know the RxJS operators

To make good use of RxJS and develop the application in a reactive way, it is important to utilize the operators. RxJS operators allow you to modify the stream of data in multiple ways. Some common operators are:

You can also write your own operators. If you do so, it is strongly recommended to write them as pure pipeable operator functions.

Covering all the various operators is out of the scope of this handbook. Please refer to some of the learning resources mentioned earlier [1] [2].

tap() vs subscribe()

When to use the tap operator in Rx flow? As per the official documentation for the tap operator, it should be used when performing "side-effects". This means that the operator should be used when the user wants to "affect outside state with a notification without altering the notification". Although side-effects can be performed inside of the map operator, we should strive to write pure functions wherever possible and have a clear separation of responsibilities. This is one of the cases where the tap operator comes in handy. Since the tap operator's callback is the same as the subscriber's next callback, nothing stops us from writing the same logic in either of those places. Well, nothing besides semantics. When writing Rx flows, we should convey as much information as we can just through our code, which means - use tap for performing side-effects and debugging/logging mostly, whereas subscribe represents the end of the flow which means that we have probably received some data which can then be used in application. This makes subscribe callback the correct place to do something with the data you've received through piped operators. This is also why an empty subscribe call is basically a code smell. Of course, there are exceptions when you cannot avoid using an empty subscribe(), but you should be mindful of it.

// Bad
  tap(() => {

In the example above, we are navigating to a new location before we've reached the end of the flow which doesn't make too much sense. We could possibly add another operator in the flow which would make this approach even more wrong, especially if you forget to reorder operators so that the tap comes after all of the newly added mapping operators.

// Better
source$.subscribe(() => {

The example above is more correct. Navigation and other, similar actions should be executed at the end of the Rx flow, which is in the subscribe's next callback.

Observables and async/await

You can use async/await to await for the completion of observables. Keep in mind that this probably does not make too much sense for observables that emit more than one value, but it might be OK for things like HTTP requests.

To convert an observable to a promise, just call obs$.toPromise() and then you can await it.

One important thing to note is that you are waiting for the completion, not emission of values. Knowing that, what do you expect the result to be in the following example?

const source$: Subject<string> = new Subject();
const sourcePromise: Promise<string> = source$.toPromise();


const result = await sourcePromise;

Spoiler alert! The result will be bar, and if we do not complete the source observable, awaiting will hang indefinitely.

Avoid manual subscriptions and asynchronous property assignment

We recommend avoiding making manual subscription calls and asynchronous property assignment. The code example below has some comments indicating what is meant by "manual subscription" and "asynchronous property assignment".

It is best to leave subscription handling to the async pipe because it:


// bad
export class ArticlesList {
  protected articles: Array<Article>;

  constructor(...) {
    this.articleService.fetchArticles().subscribe((articles) => { // manual subscription
      this.articles = articles; // asynchronous property assignment

// good
export class ArticlesList {
  protected readonly articles$: Observable<Array<Article>> = this.articleService.fetchArticles();

  constructor(...) { }


<!-- bad -->
@for (article of articles; track $index) {

<!-- good -->
 @for (article of articles$ | async; track $index) {

However if you really need to subscribe manually, be sure to unsubscribe using some of the available approaches:

unsubscribe method

Create subscriptions variable in your component and store all of your manual subscriptions. Then, call unsubscribe on it in the ngOnDestroy.

private readonly subscriptions = new Subscription();

constructor() {

public ngOnDestroy() {


takeUntil operator is another way of unsubscribing. It accepts another observable and will unsubscribe as soon as the passed observable emits. In most cases it will be used in a subject/ngOnDestroy combination. If using this approach don't forget to complete the subject as well, as the takeUntil creates a subscription which you need to handle too.

private readonly destroy$ = new Subject<void>();

constructor() {

public ngOnDestroy() {

Avoid concatenation of translation keys

A common requirement for applications is that the application must be localized. Regardless of the library which is used for fetching the translations,, we should avoid concatenation of translation keys. Concatenating translation keys makes managing of translation keys harder. It could prove very tiresome to keep the translations file in sync with translations that are used throughout the application, if you have to search for partial strings instead of searching for the whole string. One of the most tempting cases for using concatenation is when you iterate over some enum and match those values with the ones received from the backend service.

enum ApprovalStatus{
  Approved = 'Approved',
  Rejected = 'Rejected',
  NotApplicable = 'N/A',
@for (approvalStatus of approvalStatusOptions; track $index) {
    {{ 'enums.approvalStatus.' + approvalStatus | translate }}

In the example above, you also have to make sure that you create approvalStatusOptions structure which will be iterable and used in the ngFor directive. In cases where enum keys don't match their values, there is also the question of storing translation keys in a way that will make the most sense. Should you use enum keys in the translations file, or should you use enum values corresponding to that key?

Another case that emphasizes the issue with this approach is when you need to add some new keys. You have to verify that you've added them to potentially multiple places and that everything will work together as intended.

A pattern that proved to work well for us is the "translatable enum" pattern which relies on using TypeScript's Record utility type and for which we've implemented EnumPropertyPipe that is available in the ngx-nuts-and-bolts library.

enum ITranslatableEnum {
  translationKey: string;

export enum ApprovalStatus {
  Approved = 'Approved',
  Rejected = 'Rejected',
  NotApplicable = 'N/A',

export const approvalStatusData: Record<ApprovalStatus, ITranslatableEnum> = {
    [ApprovalStatus.Approved]: {
        translationKey: 'enums.approvalStatus.approved',
    [ApprovalStatus.Rejected]: {
        translationKey: 'enums.approvalStatus.rejected',
  [ApprovalStatus.NotApplicable]: {
        translationKey: 'enums.approvalStatus.notApplicable',

  selector: 'demo-component',
  template: `
  @for (approvalStatus of approvalStatusOptions; track $index) {
      {{ approvalStatus | enumProperty: approvalStatusData | translate}}
class DemoComponent{
  protected readonly ApprovalStatus = ApprovalStatus;
  protected readonly approvalStatusData = approvalStatusData;

By using this approach, your translation keys are all in one place, easing refactoring and keeping the translation file clean and up to date. You will also get compilation errors if a new enum is added without adding a corresponding entry with the translation key in the record. You can further expand on this pattern by adding additional "metadata" about the enum to the record. For example, a sortingIndex property that is taken into account when the enum values are rendered as dropdown options.

Avoid unnecessary creation of multiple observables and avoid subscriptions

Taking the learnings from all the previous examples and the fact that we can use services during initial assignment, we can greatly simplify initialization of observables and their usage in templates.

In this example, we have to fetch the user by ID. The ID is read from route parameters.

// bad
  template: `
  @if (user) {
class MyComponent {
  private activatedRoute = inject(ActivatedRoute);
  private userService = inject(UserService);

  protected user: UserModel;
  private userSubscription: Subscription;

  constructor() {
    this.userSubscription = this.activatedRoute.params.pipe(switchMap((params: Params) => {
      return this.usersService.fetchById(params.userId);
    })).subscribe((user) => {
      this.user = user;

  ngOnDestroy(): void {

This is bad because it will not work correctly with OnPush change detection and we have to take care of subscriptions manually - it is easy to forget to unsubscribe and we have to introduce ngOnDestroy.

// even worse
  template: `
   @if (user$ | async; as user ) {
class MyComponent {
  private activatedRoute = inject(ActivatedRoute);
  private userService = inject(UserService);

  protected get user$(): Observable<UserModel> {
    return this.activatedRoute.params.pipe(switchMap((params: Params) => {
      return this.usersService.fetchById(params.userId);

Here we no longer have to take care of unsubscribing, but the issue now is that during each template check, user$ getter will be called. In Example #4 in one of the previous sub-chapters we had a case where using a getter was fine, but in this case it is not. Each time it is called it creates a new observable, template will subscribe to this new observable during each change detection, meaning that a new subscription will trigger another API call every CD cycle - which is unnecessary.

// good
  template: `
  @if (user$ | async; as user ) {
class MyComponent {
  private activatedRoute = inject(ActivatedRoute);
  private userService = inject(UserService);

  protected user$: Observable<UserModel> = this.route.params.pipe(switchMap((params: Params) => {
    return this.usersService.fetchById(params.userId);

Finally the correct solution simply assigns user$ to an observable which is created only once. The template will have only one subscription and we will just react to updates in the data stream which happen when params change.

If the observable creation pipeline gets larger, you can move it to a private method like so:

// good
class MyComponent {
  private activatedRoute = inject(ActivatedRoute);
  private userService = inject(UserService);

  protected user$: Observable<UserModel> = this.createUserObservable();

  private createUserObservable(): Observable<UserModel> {
    return this.route.params.pipe(switchMap((params: Params) => {
      return this.usersService.fetchById(params.userId);

Subscribe as late as possible and use the operators

If you are new to RxJS, you will probably be overwhelmed by the amount of operators and the "Rx-way" of doing things. To do things in the "Rx-way", you will have to embrace the usage of operators and think carefully when and how you subscribe.

A rule of thumb is to subscribe as little and as late as possible, and do minimal amount of work in subscription callbacks.

We will demonstrate this with an example. Imagine you have a stream of data to which you would like to subscribe and transform the data in some way.

interface IUser {
  id: number;
  user_name: string;
  name: string;
  surname: string;

/account/me returns JSON:

  "id": 42,
  "user_name": "TheDude",
  "name": "Jeff",
  "surname": "Lebowski"
// bad
const user$: Observable<IUser> = http.get('/account/me');

user$.subscribe((response: IUser) => {
  console.log(response.user_name); // TheDude
// good
const userName$: Observable<string> = http.get('/account/me').pipe(
  map((response: IUser) => response.user_name)

userName$.subscribe(console.log); // TheDude

The reason why is because there might be multiple subscribers who want the same thing, and they would all have to do the same transformation in their respective success callbacks.

It is, of course, possible that the subscribers want different things, and for those cases you might want to expose some observable with fewer piped operations.

The point here is that, as soon as you notice that you are repeating yourself in subscription callbacks, you should move that repeated logic into some operator that is piped to the source observable.

Do not use observables if unnecessary

We recommend using OnPush change detection strategy. This means that some things that work with Default CD will no longer work when you start using OnPush CD. The best way to make things work again is to take a reactive approach when designing the component and utilize the Observables, operators and async pipe.

However, there are cases when you do not need an Observable. Sometimes, direct values work just as fine. Do not implement an Observable if it is not needed, it will just add some unnecessary overhead.

Here is an example where an observable is unnecessary:

<!-- bad -->
{{ someNumber }}! = {{ factorialOfTheNumber$ | async }}
// bad
export class MyComponent implements OnChanges {
  @Input() public someNumber: number = 0;
  protected readonly factorialOfTheNumber$ = new BehaviorSubject<number>(1);

  public ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void {
    if (changes.someNumber) {
<!-- good -->
{{ someNumber }}! = {{ factorialOfTheNumber }}
// good
export class MyComponent implements OnChanges {
  @Input() public someNumber: number = 0;
  protected readonly factorialOfTheNumber = 1;

  public ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void {
    if (changes.someNumber) {
      this.factorialOfTheNumber = calculateFactorial(changes.someNumber.currentValue);

This can be a result of confusion about how OnPush CD works. If factorialOfTheNumber$ is not an observable and is a direct value, it might be unclear if the template will be re-rendered or not. The answer is - yes, the template will be re-rendered correctly. While it is true that direct property assignment with OnPush CD can sometimes result in template not being re-rendered, that usually happens only when assigning in an asynchronous piece of code. If the calculateFactorial calculation is synchronous (as it is in this example), then we can assign the value directly, without the need to wrap it in an Observable.

Remember, any property assignments that are done synchronously in ngOnChanges will get rendered correctly. This is because CD is run synchronously after all the code in ngOnChanges is executed. This is true for both OnPush and Default CD.

Consider not using ngOnChanges and use pure pipes

Building on the previous example with unnecessary Observables, we will go one step further and try to eliminate the ngOnChanges lifecycle hook altogether.

To do this, we have to understand how pipes work. Pipes can have multiple input values and one output value. Input values are mapped to the output value in the transformation method. Impure pipes will execute the transformation method on each change detection cycle. This is probably not optimal nor the desired behavior in most situations. On the other hand, pure pipes will execute the transformation method only if some of the input values change. All pipes are pure by default, and that is great! You can read more about pipes here.

We can not utilize the knowledge of pure pipes and update our component:

{{ someNumber }}! = {{ someNumber | factorial }}
export class MyComponent implements OnChanges {
  @Input() public someNumber: number = 0;
@Pipe({ name: 'factorial' })
export class FactorialPipe implements PipeTransform {
  public transform(value: number): number {
    return calculateFactorial(value);

We have greatly reduced the amount of code in our component and have created a reusable piece of code in the form of a pure pipe. This pipe can be reused in other places, but it is also ok if it is used in only this one component's template. If it is not reused in other places, it is ok to leave the pipe implementation file alongside the component module file and declare it in the component's module.

You might ask a question "But what if I need to use the factorial value inside my component code?". The solution depends on how and when you need to use the value that is calculated by the pipe. If you need to access the value on some user interaction, you can pass the calculated value from the template to the action handler method. This is great because it keeps your methods pure.

if(someNumber | factorial; as someNumberFactorial) {
  {{ someNumber }}! = {{ someNumberFactorial }}

  <button (click)="saveFactorialValue(someNumberFactorial)">Save the factorial value</button>
export class MyComponent implements OnChanges {
  @Input() public someNumber: number = 0;

  protected saveFactorialValue(someNumberFactorial): void {
    // do something with someNumberFactorial

Some notes:

@let count = count$ | async;
<p>The count is {{count}}</p>

Input transforms

Often, you find yourself in a position to manipulate the value you pass to a component using inputs. You would often achieve this by either manipulating the data at the source, writing a custom pipe and send manipulated data to a child component or more rarely, use getters and setters in a child component to achieve desired result. You can avoid this code bloating by using input transformation function. You can basically do whatever you like, but some of the use cases include boolean transformations, string manipulations, working with dates etc.

export class ExampleComponent {
  @Input({transform: (value: string) => value.toUpperCase()}) label = '';

Consider binding route params to component inputs

For a long time the go-to way for accessing route params was to inject the activatedRoute into our component and subscribe to the paramMap observable. Angular v16 introduced a way to bind the route parameters directly to the components inputs which then allows us to react to the changes same as with all other inputs. In order to to enable this feature we must pass and call withComponentInputBinding function into the provideRouter. This can be useful as it removes some boilerplate from the components and we avoid having separate observable for handling param changes.

// How we use it now
const exampleRoutes: Routes = [
        path: ':exampleParameter',
        loadComponent: () => import('<path-to-component>'),

export class MyComponent {
  private readonly activatedRoute = inject(ActivatedRoute);

  constructor() {
        this.activatedRoute.paramMap.pipe(map((paramMap) => paramMap.get('exampleParameter'))).subscribe(...);

// With input binding
// main.ts
bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
    providers: [provideRouter(rootRoutes, withComponentInputBinding())],

// Input decorator version
export class MyComponent implements OnChanges {
  @Input() exampleParameter?: string;
  // Behaves like regular input

// Signal input version
export class MyComponent implements OnChanges {
  public exampleParameter = input<string>();

Auto unwrap default exports when lazy loading

With Angular v15 it is possible to leverage default exports to shorten the syntax when lazy loading a module or a standalone component. Note that the CLI still generates modules and components without the default export so you will need to add that by yourself.

  standalone: true,
export default class ExampleComponent { ... }

// Without default export
  path: 'lazy',
  loadComponent: () => import('./example-component').then(m => m.ExampleComponent),

// With default export
  path: 'lazy',
  loadComponent: () => import('./example-component'),

Prefer functional over class guards and interceptors

Since Angular v15, class based guards and interceptors are deprecated and you should prefer functional ones if you are using v15 or higher. If you are generating a guard using CLI on those versions, functional versions will be generated. The class based versions still work, however they will probably be removed at some point so if you have some in your project, it might be wise to refactor as it requires minimal amount of work in most cases.

// Old - class based
class UserAuthorizedGuard implements CanActivate {
  private authService = inject(AuthService)

  canActivate(): Observable<boolean> {
    return this.authService.isLoggedIn$

// New - functional
export const userAuthorizedGuard: CanActivateFn = (): Observable<boolean> => {
  const authService = inject(AuthService)

  return authService.isLoggedIn$

Note that with a function-based approach, it is possible to write functions directly in, for example, the route array without the need to create new separate files. While this can be helpful in some simpler cases, we do not recommend it for several reasons, such as: - Reusability: If you need this logic on several different routes, you will have to write it over and over again. - Maintainability: In case of a change, you will need to find all instances and refactor them in multiple places instead of just one. - Testability: You won't be able to unit test your guard easily.

const ROUTES: Routes = [
        path: '',
        component: ExampleComponent,
        canActivate: [() => inject(UserService).isLoggedIn$],

Favouring canMatch guard

The canMatch is the new type of guard introduced in Angular v14.1. It should be the preferred guard to use over canActivate or canLoad which is deprecated in v15. canMatch has benefits of both worlds, it controls when the route can be used and as a side effect, whether we can download the code. In reality, this means that the chunk won't be loaded if the guard returns false but it will also be invoked/triggered every time the user tries to navigate. This is different from canLoad, which won't load the chunk, but once the guard returns true, it won't be called again which can cause some undesirable consequences, and canActivate which will be called every time, but that also means that chunk will be loaded in all cases. You can read more in the following blog post or in the Angular team's PR description.

No subscriptions in guards

Asynchronous guards are common, but they should not subscribe to anything; they should return an observable.

To demonstrate this on an example, imagine we have AuthService and the getUserData method which returns an observable. The observable will return the User model if the user is authenticated or emit an error if not.

We would like to implement a guard which allows only authenticated users to navigate to the route.

// bad
export const userAuthorizedGuard: CanActivateFn = (): Observable<boolean> => {
  const authService = inject(AuthService)

  const authStatus$ = new Subject();

  authService.getUserData().subscribe((user: User) => {
  }, (error) => {
    console.error('User not authorized!', error);


  return authStatus$;

// good
export const userAuthorizedGuard: CanActivateFn = (): Observable<boolean> => {
    const authService = inject(AuthService);

    return authService.getUserData().pipe(
        catchError((error) => {
            console.error('User not authorized!', error);

            return observableOf(false);
        map(Boolean) // we could technically omit this mapping to Boolean since User model will be a truthy value anyway

Be mindful of how and when the data is fetched

There are two basic approaches to data loading:

  1. Via route resolve guards
  2. Via container components

Resolve guards

A resolve guard can be used to pre-fetch the data necessary for component rendering. The advantages of using resolve guards are:

Container components

Even though guards are really easy to use and have some advantages, there might be situations where the data has to be loaded through multiple requests or the loading might be slow. In those cases, it might be worth to consider using a container component for data loading instead of guards. The container component would use some service to make the requests and then show the data once the requests have been completed. In this way, it is possible to show partial data as it comes in, and implement empty state design for each chunk of data that is shown.

A good example where partial data loading via a container component can be preferred over all-at-once loading via guards is a dashboard-like page with multiple graphs where each graph shows data from one request. In such cases, it is probably better to let the container component handle data loading, and presentational components (graphs) should implement an empty state with some nice loaders.

Bottom line:

The single observable pattern

Did you ever find yourself in the ng-container nesting hell? It might have looked something like this:

@if (frameworkName1$ | async as frameworkName1) {
  @if (frameworkName1$ | async as frameworkName1) {
    @if (frameworkName1$ | async as frameworkName1) {
      {{ frameworkName1 }} is way better than {{ frameworkName2 }}. I will not even talk about {{ frameworkName3 }}.

There is a simple solution to this problem, and it is called the single data observable pattern. In short, this pattern takes advantage of the reactive programming paradigm introduced with RxJS to combine multiple observable streams into one, allowing us to reduce the amount of nested subscriptions in the template. In its purest form, it allows us to have only one subscription in the template (one async pipe). You can also utilize this pattern to create multiple combined observables instead of having many more individual subscriptions.

The example above could be refactored to use the single data observable pattern:

export class MyComponent {
  private readonly frameworkName1$ = ...;
  private readonly frameworkName2$ = ...;
  private readonly frameworkName3$ = ...;

  protected readonly frameworkNames$ = combineLatest([
  ]) => {
    return {
@if (frameworkNames$ | async; as frameworkNames) {
  {{ frameworkNames.frameworkName1 }} is way better than {{ frameworkNames.frameworkName2 }}. I will not even talk about {{ frameworkNames.frameworkName3 }}.

We will not go into the details of this pattern in this handbook. To learn more about this pattern, please check out these videos:

Avoid creating black-box components

The component's Inputs and Outputs are what we call the component's public API. There are many ways in which a component can be built and the definition of this public API for each specific component is completely up to the developer.

One of the approaches is to define the component's public API as a black box. This means that most or all of the implementation details are hidden and the component's user has a clearly defined and usually strict way of sending the data and configuration objects to the component, as well as getting some events back from the component. Component usually does some complex operations based on the input data and configuration.

One example of a black box component would be a tree component to which you pass the tree structure to the component as one root object that can have multiple levels of nested items. From the component's user's perspective, this seems like a nice and clear way of using a component, making this approach tantalizing.

Example how such a component would be used:

<my-app-tree-view [rootNode]="navigationRoot" />
interface ITreeNode {
  title: string;
  link: string;
  children?: Array<ITreeNode>;

export class ParentComponent {
  protected navigationRoot: ITreeNode = {
    title: 'Homepage',
    link: '/',
    children: [...]

However, the black box approach is not very flexible and you could soon find yourself adding various configuration options and optional properties in the data objects (ITreeNode in the above example) as the new edge cases arise. This ends up with a bunch of if statements or similar logic in the component, growing in complexity and decreasing readability of the component's source code.

An alternative approach would be to decrease the amount of black-boxing and give the component's user a bit more choice in how the component is used. This can be achieved by good composition and content transclusion. The name for this alternative approach is glass box.

In the tree component example, this would mean that instead of having one large data object with nested children objects, we would leave the composition of the tree elements to the user.

Example of a glass box approach:

  <a routerLink="/">Homepage</a>

    ... child 1 ...

    ... child 2 ...

This allows the parent component to add things like custom classes to the links or even make the links button instead of anchor elements. This makes for a more flexible component.

Please check out some of these real-world examples of good implementations of glass box components:

Here is also one interesting comparison between Material's and Nebular's implementation of a menu component:

Material implementation takes the glass box approach, while Nebular leans more towards black-boxing. We believe this makes the Material implementation more flexible. For example, the material implementation allows you to have buttons or anchor elements inside the menu and to have custom components like icons inside each menu item. This is also possible with Nebular, but support for that had to be added in the menu component itself, by adding additional properties inside the menu data objects. This bloats the NbMenuItem interface which now includes all the various edge cases like icons, path matching, query params, badges, etc. If you need something similar to a badge but use your own custom component instead of the Nebular's badge, it might be hard to do it with this black box approach that Nebular took.

Please do not take this as us firing shots at Nebular. We still think that Nebular is a pretty good library, but there will always be some trade-offs when defining a component's public API. You could take 10 component libraries and none of them would have the best implementation of each and every component for each use-case of those components. Some will have some components implemented well for certain uses cases, while other component might not be as good.

Long story short, we recommend taking the glass box approach as it allows for more flexibility.