File and module organization and naming
Last modified on Thu 04 Nov 2021

If you have created the app using Angular CLI, there is already some structure in place. Building on that structure, you will probably want to add some more directories to help you organize your code.

Keep the code organized by domain

As the project grows in size, it gets harder and harder to maintain a good file organization. For small projects, it might make sense to group all components in src/app/components and all models into src/app/models, etc. However, once the project gets large enough, this can get hard to navigate through and maintain. For this reason, we recommend grouping the files not by type, but by feature/domain. This means, for example, that you might have one directory that has a mix of services, models, and interfaces that are all connected to a common feature/domain.

Services and models

Services should be placed in src/app/services.

Try to keep the code grouped by domain. For example, if you have a Post class, IPost interface, and a PostService used for managing the blog posts, you can have all these files inside one directory like so:

├── post.service.ts
├── post.service.spec.ts
├── post.testing.service.ts
├── post.interface.ts
├── post.model.ts
└── post.model.spec.ts

Pages and shared components

Components that are loaded directly via routing (by either component or loadChildren) should be placed in the src/app/pages directory. If a component is used in multiple places, it should be extracted to the nearest common ancestor's components directory. If there are multiple levels of routing, the main src/app directory structure can be mirrored under some specific page directory. In other words, you can have components, services, pages, etc. directories inside some specific page directory. This helps separate the codebase on a feature/domain-basis.

As an example, please consider the following routing setup:

Directory structure for such an app should look like this:

├── components/ # these components are used in both posts and users feature modules
│   ├── post-overview/ # renders basic info about a post (without full content)
│   └── user-avatar/ # renders username and profile image
├── services/ # these services are used in both posts and users feature modules
│   ├── auth/ # session management, not important for this example
│   ├── user/
│   │   ├── user.service.ts # has methods for data fetching
│   │   ├── user.service.spec.ts
│   │   ├── user.testing.service.ts
│   │   ├── user.interface.ts
│   │   └── user.model.ts
│   └── post/ # basically the same as user.service
├── pages/
│   ├── users/
│   │   ├── pages/
│   │   │   ├── users-index/
│   │   │   │   ├── components/
│   │   │   │   │   └── users-list/ # renders a list of user-avatar components
│   │   │   │   ├── users-index.component.ts # renders some header/footer and users-list component
│   │   │   │   ├── users-index-routing.module.ts # eagerly-loads users-index.component on /
│   │   │   │   └── users-index.module.ts # imports users-index-routing.module
│   │   │   └── user-index/
│   │   │       ├── components/
│   │   │       │   └── user-details/ # renders user-avatar component, additional user info and a list of user's posts (post-overview)
│   │   │       ├── user-index.component.ts # renders some header/footer and users-details component
│   │   │       ├── user-index-routing.module.ts # eagerly-loads user-index.component on /
│   │   │       └── user-index.module.ts # imports user-index-routing.module
│   │   ├── users-routing.module.ts # lazy-loads users-list.module on /, user-details.module on /:id
│   │   └── users.module.ts # imports users-routing.module
│   └── posts/
│       ├── components/ # these components are used only in posts feature/domain module
│       │   └── post-form/ # form used for both editing and creation
│       ├── services/
│       │   └── social-sharing/ # service that is used only inside posts module
│       ├── pages/
│       │   ├── posts-index/
│       │   │   ├── components/
│       │   │   │   └── posts-list/ # renders post-overview and user-avatar component for each post
│       │   │   ├── posts-index.component.ts # renders some header/footer and posts-list component
│       │   │   ├── posts-index-routing.module.ts # eagerly-loads posts-index.component on /
│       │   │   └── posts-index.module.ts # imports posts-index-routing.module
│       │   ├── post-index/
│       │   │   ├── components/
│       │   │   │   └── post-details/ # renders post-overview and user-avatar components and renders the post content
│       │   │   ├── post-index.component.ts # renders some header/footer and posts-details component
│       │   │   ├── post-index-routing.module.ts # eagerly-loads post-index.component on /
│       │   │   └── post-index.module.ts # imports post-index-routing.module
│       │   ├── new-post/
│       │   │   ├── new-post.component.ts # renders some header/footer and post-form component
│       │   │   ├── new-post-routing.module.ts # eagerly-loads new-post.component on /
│       │   │   └── new-post.module.ts # imports new-post-routing.module
│       │   └── edit-post/
│       │       ├── edit-post.component.ts # renders some header/footer and post-form component
│       │       ├── edit-post-routing.module.ts # eagerly-loads edit-post.component on /
│       │       └── edit-post.module.ts # imports edit-post-routing.module
│       ├── posts-routing.module.ts # lazy-loads posts-index.module on /, new-post.module on /new, edit-post.module on /:id/edit, post-index.module on /:id
│       └── posts.module.ts # imports posts-routing.module
├── app-routing.module.ts # lazy-loads users.module on /users, posts.module on /posts
└── app.module.ts # imports app-routing.module


Store all your animations in src/app/animations/ and import them for use in component decorators. If you want to have some animation properties customizable, such as a duration configurable, you can export the "animation factory" function which returns the actual AnimationTriggerMetadata. Animations are usually quite generic and there is usually not that many of them so it's ok to keep them in the global animations directory.

Custom classes

Classes that might be used throughout the application (e.g., generic Dictionary class) should be in src/app/classes. If a class is related to a particular domain entity, it can be placed alongside other files related to that same entity.

Custom typings

If you are using some JS libs which do not have typings or you want to extend some native typings with some custom properties, add your own custom typings in src/app/custom-types.d.ts. Example custom-types.d.ts file:

interface Window { // extend window with `env` object
    env?: Record<string, string>;

declare module 'json-to-pretty-yaml' { // add typings for vanilla JS lib
    function stringify(o: any): string;


Similar as with services and models, you can place enums alongside other files that are related to the same domain entity.

If an enum is used across multiple top-level modules, you can place the enum in src/app/enums. A good example is an enum for HTTP status codes.

If you need some metadata for the enum, create an enum data file which exports what is basically a dictionary with enum values used as keys, and use whatever you need for values. One such example would be:


export interface ITranslatableEnum {
  translationKey: string;


export enum HttpStatus {
  200_OK: 200,

export const httpStatusCodeData: Record<HttpStatus, ITranslatableEnum> = {
  [HttpStatus.200_OK]: {
    translationKey: 'http.success'


Put all generic route guards in src/app/guards.


If you need some generic helper functions (like a rounding function which actually rounds correctly cough Math.round cough floating point cough), put the helper in src/app/helpers in its own dir. Make sure to write tests for it and simply export it in src/app/helpers/index.ts.


If you have some custom generic pipes for use in templates, create their own dirs in src/app/pipes. Each pipe should have its own module that declares and exports the pipe.

If a pipe is very specific and tied to a particular component, create it alongside that component instead of in the global pipes directory.

Shared modules

If you have NgModules which are not components (e.g., a module which imports all specific material modules that you need), put them in src/app/shared-modules. Keep in mind that having large shared modules is usually unwanted because it makes dependency management hard in the case where shared modules import many other modules.

Custom types

Generic TypeScript type declarations should be placed in src/app/types. If the type is very specific and tied to a certain component/service/model, it is ok to place it alongside that component/service/model.

Assets, global styles, and partials

As defined by the angular-cli, assets placed in src/assets will be served statically.

Global styles should be placed in the src/app/styles dir. The styles dir has a very similar structure as that described in the SASS Styleguide, so please check it out.


If you are using ngx-form-object, place FormObjects, FromStores, and validators in src/app/forms. If you have form components that are reused throughout the app, put them in src/app/components/forms.