Debugging network + Flipper
Last modified on Fri 29 Jan 2021

Flipper is a very nice tool for debugging RN applications.


Download Flipper for your OS here

For Android, start Flipper, and start your project using yarn android. Your application will appear in Flipper.

For iOS, run pod install once in the ios directory of your project. After that, run yarn ios and start Flipper. Your application will show up in Flipper.


When your project will open in Flipper - you will see some plugins in the left sidebar that will help you debugging your application. Just click and enable it. For example in case of enabling Network plugin - you will see all network requests that are happening in your application.

There are plugins to debug everything you might need:


If for any reason Flipper is not an option for you - you can also try React Native Debugger

Read more about Flipper here: