Just like AngularJS, Angular has support for two-way binding, even though it works quite differently and is a lot less magical than in AngularJS.
Angular's binding syntax offers the following ways of sending data between components:
- One-way from data source to view target (
) - One-way from view target to data source (
) - Two-way (
If you have worked with template-driven forms, you've probably come across ngModel
and used two-way data binding. Just like you can use two-way binding with ngModel
, you can also use the two-way binding with any input of your custom component.
This handbook will not cover how to implement a custom two-way binding for your components. We suggest checking out this article: Two-way Data Binding in Angular, which explains how two-way binding works, and how you can implement it.
One key takeaway that we will repeat in this handbook is how two-way binding is de-sugared.
<my-counter [(value)]="counterValue" />
<my-counter [value]="counterValue" (valueChange)="counterValue=$event" />
These two lines do exactly the same thing—this might give you an idea about how to implement custom two-way binding for your component's inputs. For more details, we suggest reading the official docs and articles that we mentioned a bit earlier.
Should you use two-way binding?
If you've checked out the docs and the article, you've probably noticed that implementing two-way binding for your components isn't rocket science. You might be thinking "OH MY GOD, I WILL ENABLE TWO-WAY BINDING FOR ALL MY COMPONENTS". Hold on, you might not actually need it.
We recommend implementing two-way binding for components that hold some internal state, and you want to be able to pass values down and also update the outer component value if something changes internally. A good example would be some kind of a counter component.
Another type of component for which you might consider implementing two-way binding are the components used in a similar manner as inputs, checkboxes, and other HTML elements that are used within forms. For such cases, it is usually better to implement a ControlValueAccessor instead. More on that in the section about working with forms.