Environment variables
Last modified on Fri 17 Mar 2023

When using SSR, the node server can read system environment variables at runtime and transfer them to the client using the TransferState API. This is just one of the use cases for the TransferState API.

To make working with environment variables in an SSR application easier, we have created EnvironmentVariablesSSRLoader in our ngx-nuts-and-bolts library. The following section is just a quick-start demonstrating how the lib can be used. You can read into more details in the official documentation.


First, add EnvironmentVariablesModule and EnvironmentVariablesSSRLoaderModule to app.module.ts:

import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser';
import {TransferHttpCacheModule} from '@nguniversal/common';
import {EnvironmentVariablesModule} from '@infinumjs/ngx-nuts-and-bolts';
import {EnvironmentVariablesSSRLoaderModule} from '@infinumjs/ngx-nuts-and-bolts-ssr';
import {exposedEnvironmentVariables} from './enums/environment-variable.enum';

    imports: [
        BrowserModule.withServerTransition({appId: 'serverApp'}),
            variablesToLoad: exposedEnvironmentVariables,

Next, create environment-variable.enum.ts file and define environment variables to be exposed:

export enum EnvironmentVariable {
    APP_URL = 'APP_URL',
    API_URL = 'API_URL',

export const exposedEnvironmentVariables: Array<string> = [

After this configuration you can start using EnvironmentVariablesService to get environment variables.

If there are some environment variables that are sensitive and should not be transferred to the client, you can still add them to the enum and read them on the server-side, but you mustn't include them in the exposedEnvironmentVariables array.