
Brewing Innovation – Mobile IoT and the Compose Frontier – Ljubljana

Find out how we got IoT home appliances to act on a tap and how Jetpack Compose became our UI toolkit of choice

From chaos to clarity in the UX – Podgorica

Master the three I’s of impeccable design: intuitiveness, inclusion, and interactivity.

SwiftUI migration & Android BLE – Skopje

Find out how we prepared for transitioning to SwiftUI and the challenges and best practices that come from working with hardware that’s still in development.

Testing out new options – Podgorica

Find out what it takes for a manual to automation test engineer career switch and how to properly design test execution calendars.

On the edge of UX – Ljubljana

Expand your UX skillset by learning the tricks of decision-making facilitation and accessibility-ready design.

Micro-Frontends & Production Previewing – Zagreb

Utilize Webpack’s module federation to build a micro-frontends architecture and preview changes to production code before shipping.

QA processes and negative testing – Skopje

Learn how to make your project more efficient by applying IT Methodology in QA Processes and master Negative Testing.

Testing in progress – Ljubljana

A Celtra, Adacta and Infinum QA expert walk into a bar... Join the Infinum Talks and let's talk all things QA.

Kotlin first Android development – Podgorica

Find out how our speakers leveraged Kotlin first tooling to supercharge their development productivity and the quality of their apps.

Workshops & organizational change – Zagreb

Your UX skills will only get you so far. At some point, you’ll hit an invisible wall.