Transforming businesses with Internet of Things

Transforming businesses with Internet of Things

From strategy to deployment, our team knows how to bring your IoT vision to life

Mobile & web apps hero image - holding mobile phone in hand


We help clients clarify the complex IoT landscape, understand the potential benefits, and solve problems with IoT solutions. Receive solutions that not only exceed expectations at launch but also remain relevant for years to come.

Gain a competitive advantage with IoT

From strategy to deployment, our team knows how to bring your IoT vision to life, focusing on security, stability, and scalability. Our portfolio includes accomplishments in healthcare, manufacturing, retail, agriculture, and smart cities.

Explore new revenue streams

Make data-driven business decisions

Optimize operational efficiency

Deliver superior user experiences

Increase product usage

Stand out among competitors

Learn how to build and deliver successful IoT solutions

Industry experts provide valuable advice on what to consider at every step, from planning and designing components to implementing your IoT solution.

Custom IoT solutions across industries

Trusted by these companies

Our technologies and tools stack


  • Azure IoT Hub
  • AWS IoT hub
  • Google Cloud
  • ThingWorx
  • Sitemap
  • User journey maps
  • Predix


  • Bluetooth
  • ZigBee
  • Sigfox
  • Wi-Fi
  • LAN
  • NFC


  • Arduino
  • iBeacons
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Eddystone beacons
  • OBD devices
  • Miniature Boards


  • LoRaWAN
  • TCP
  • BLE
  • MQTT
  • DDS
  • AMQP
  • Homekit
  • OpenIoT
  • Nest

Helping brands release better software, faster

Our Quality Assurance team is equipped with the tools, expertise, and testing methodologies to detect issues and ensure a seamless experience throughout every phase of your product’s lifecycle – before they negatively affect your users, budget, and reputation.

Functional and non-functional exploratory, smoke, and regression testing

Web and mobile UI test automation

Improving quality in project processes

Planning and executing release activities

Test strategy, documentation, and reports

Why partner with Infinum


End-to-end IoT project implementation partner


A reliable partner with long-term viability


Award-winning IoT apps in our portfolio


Millions of satisfied app users


Employing top engineers and UI/UX experts

Let’s build together

Start a conversation about new business
opportunities and transform your vision into reality.

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