
Tips & Tricks for Switching from Windows to Mac

Almost everyone here uses Macs. When a new hire joins us, sometimes they’re not familiar with OS X at all.

Filip Vugec

How Two Men Delivered a Baby in 4.5 Months

Every once in a while, we get a request out of the ordinary, and just sometimes we take the challenge.

Adis Mustedanagic

Becoming a Ruby on Rails Developer

How did you learn {programming language}? I’ve been asked this question many times and, to be honest, never knew how to properly answer.

Josip Bišćan

Switching Jobs: Why I Left a Large Company to Join a Smaller One?

As an employee of a large telecommunications company, I enjoyed all the benefits of working for a big player. Then I jumped ship to Infinum. Crazy?

Ante Barisic

Reviving a Font Poučni Sans

When doing typeface revivals, you take several letters from an old, undigitalized, typeface and design the rest of the glyphs (letters and characters).

Luka Peric