
Is There a Point to Story Points?

Story points are a common metric in agile project development; find out how to use them to your benefit.

Luka Marić

FAQ about QA

Everything you always wanted to know about the role of a software tester.

Dino Vinković

What (Not) to Expect from Agile Transformation?

Agile isn’t a silver bullet for making organizations more efficient.

Ivan Kosovec

Writing API Tests? Postman Delivers

Whether you’re new to testing or a seasoned vet, Postman improves your testing skills.

Mario Milutin

The Right Way to Take Over a Legacy Project

Discover the most common challenges and misconceptions around legacy projects, and how our team worked through them.

Luka Marić

5 Advantages of Dedicated Teams on Software Development Projects

Do you know which pricing model is best suited for which kind of project?

Goran Kovačević

Projects Becoming Products and the Evolving Management Behind Them

It takes a whole set of skills to deliver a competitive product to this market.

Nikolina Kentrić

Want Better Collaboration on Development Projects? Try BDD

Feel like software development teams often behave like children throwing tantrums? Try behaviour-driven development to improve collaboration.

Neven Matas

Dealing With Creative Block – 10 Strategies to Get Back on Track

Stuck without a clear vision how to solve a problem, many of us call it quits. How to work around the creative block and get back on track?

Ana Valjak

AI Software Testing–Myth or Reality?

Can AI tools ever evolve to the point of becoming so imaginative and empathetic as to make human intervention obsolete?

Dino Fazlić

Keep It Clean: Project Folder Organization Template

Well defined and organized project folder structure will help you to easily manage any project. Free template insside!

Emanuel Milicevic

How Not to Suck at Writing Bug Reports

A good bug report means bugs can be squashed faster, and the faster they do, the sooner the product can be declared shippable.

Neven Matas