Unescaping Special Characters in Android Applications
Try these two approaches if you need to escape strings.
Try these two approaches if you need to escape strings.
How we efficiently stopped bikeshedding about our API requests.
Retromock is a Java library for mocking responses in a Retrofit service that’ll make your life easier.
Connecting distant modules in your iOS app with NSNotificationCenter might not be the best way.
Cleaner pull requests, automated knowledge sharing, and easy engagement with open-source software? Sign me up!
Hilt will make your Dagger setup way more readable and much easier to maintain.
An overlooked gem for creating a custom keyboard on Android.
Don’t cut down on webpage images – cut down on loading time.
The good and the bad of in-app updates, and tackling those issues using our open-source libraries for update handling.
Security and integrity of user data on blockchain, explained through a partying analogy.
Setting up a solid foundation for building our Android apps, with Model-View-ViewModel and ViewStates.
A small step for the WordPress team, a giant leap towards more modern WordPress themes or plugins.
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