Learn where you stand with AI

Our AI-readiness Assessment is the easiest first step to exploring your AI possibilities.


Answer six questions to request your assessment


Receive a detailed feedback on your adoption readiness


Leverage our experience to kickstart your AI journey


technical readiness

data maturity level

AI adoption requirements

relevant use cases

About your AI expectations 
About data
About you
Step name: ai1

About your AI expectations 

How familiar is your team with artificial intelligence technologies and their potential applications in your industry?
AI Awareness
What goals or objectives do you hope to achieve by implementing AI in your organization?
Goals and Objectives
What specific outcomes or information on AI are you hoping to gain?
Your AI Expectations
Step name: ai2

About the Data

To what extent is your organization’s data currently structured?
Data Structure
To what extent is your data readily available for AI analysis?
Data Availability
Do you work with sensitive data (e.g., GDPR, PII, HIPAA compliance data, financial information, biometric data, etc.)?
Data Sensitivity
Step name: ai3

About you

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