User journey
Last modified on Fri 24 Jan 2025

As-is user journey

An as-is user journey provides a visual representation of the steps, touchpoints, and interactions that a user goes through when engaging with a digital product or service. It captures the user's actions, thoughts, emotions, and pain points at each stage of their journey. By mapping out the as-is user journey, you can gain insights into the existing user experience, identify pain points, and uncover opportunities for enhancement.

As-is user journey doesn’t show the desired state of UX, but the current one. Don’t mix it up with the desired user journey because both client and our internal team will start jumping from two mindsets: exploration and solutionizing.

A good as-is user journey should have:

Service blueprint is an extension of user journey. It shows the inner workings of the client's organization that enables these user journeys. Similar to the association between a steering wheel and dashboard, and all engine parts under the hood. A service blueprint provides a detailed overview of the various components involved in delivering the service or app, including both front-stage and back-stage activities.

Here you can find a workshop template for running user journey exercise.

Service blueprint

A service blueprint follows a similar mapping blueprint (pun intended) as the user journey. You need to: