Last modified on Mon 20 Jan 2025

Quant method that can be both generative and evaluative.


A user survey is a research tool used to collect data from a specific group of users to gain information and insights into various topics of interest. It usually consists of a series of questions that users can answer online, on paper, or during an interview. If you're aiming for a mix of quantitative and qualitative insights from a larger pool of users gathered in a timely fashion user survey is the right tool in your belt.

Depending on your goal, there are two main types of surveys:


There are a lot of tools you can use to conduct the survey. When doing research for a product that is not live yet, our tool of choice is Typeform. If you are interested in user feedback on a live product, and it supports tools like HotJar, Intercom, etc. — use it!

Types of Questions

Tips and Tricks

Data analysis

Before analyzing the data, examine answers for outliers or anomalies. If you figure out some of your users wrote gibberish as a response, ended the survey way faster than the rest, or selected the a. option at every multiple-choice question — you might want to remove their answers.

On top of that, check if users misunderstood the questions. You don’t want faulty answers driving your insights and design in the wrong direction.

Once you have cleared the data, you can start analyzing it. Dive deeper into data. Filter & compare results by demographic data, length of using the product, and other relevant elements. Code verbal responses, create charts and graphs, calculate statistics, or do whatever helps you to understand survey results.

The goal is to identify patterns and trends in the data that can be used to make conclusions about the participants' opinions, habits, satisfaction, attitudes, and experiences.

Quantifying and benchmarking usability

Yes, you can (and should) measure the usability of your product. And yes, there are a lot of good and reliable measures that can help you do that usability health check better than the NPS.

There are several good reasons to use usability metrics:

Some usability metrics are geared towards evaluating specific aspects like user flows, designs, or features. These include quantitative measures such as single ease question (SEQ), error rate and task completion time, which are elaborated upon in the usability testing chapter.

On the other hand, we have more complex psychometrically standardized questionnaires. These are tailored to measure the effectiveness, efficiency, and user satisfaction of the product as a whole, serving as ideal instruments for periodic health checks or industry benchmarking.

Here are some of the questionnaires you can pick from:

System usability scale

The System Usability Scale (SUS) is a widely accepted scale, used and validated in a variety of contexts, making it a reliable and valid instrument for measuring usability. It provides a quick and easy way to gather user feedback and assess the overall usability of a product or system.

The SUS consists of a 10-item questionnaire that asks users to rate their level of agreement with various statements about the usability of the product or system.

The statements are designed to measure different aspects of usability, such as ease of use, learnability, and satisfaction. The responses are given on a 5-point Likert scale, where 1 represents "strongly disagree" and 5 represents "strongly agree."

System usability scale questions:

The SUS is unique in that it provides a single score, called the SUS score, that represents the overall usability of the product or system. The SUS score is calculated by summing the ratings for each item and multiplying by 2.5. The final score ranges from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating better usability.

Interpreting SUS scores can be done by comparing it to a benchmark score or by comparing it to a previous score. A score of 68 or higher is considered to be a good score and indicates that the product or system is usable. Scores below 68 may indicate that there are usability issues that need to be addressed.

It's also important to look at the individual item scores and the patterns of the responses, in addition to the overall score. This can help identify specific areas of the product or system that need improvement.