Better Login Forms Without Security Risks
However, more often than not, various implementations trade-off good UX for security assumptions that are out of place.
However, more often than not, various implementations trade-off good UX for security assumptions that are out of place.
Have a look at this hidden ActiveSupport #presence_in method that provides a convenient way to do whitelisting in just one line.
The market is flooded with new languages and frameworks. Many seem promising, and a lot of developers are talking about the death of Ruby and Rails.
Did you ever have to write a nicely indented multiline string in Ruby? There was no out-of-the-box solution until the squiggly heredoc was introduced.
Rails Rumble is the biggest international Rails hackathon; over 500 teams from across the globe, four members fabricating an awesome Rails app in 48 hours.
Refactoring is the craft of improving the design of an existing code without changing its external behavior.
Keeping your code clean and organized while developing a large Rails application can be quite a challenge, even for an experienced developer.
When your client asks for some copy editing on their website, does it take too much of your time?