JSON Serialization & Deserialization
Last modified on Tue 28 Nov 2023


Serialization and deserialization are fundamental processes in software development, allowing for the conversion of objects to a format that can be easily stored or transmitted and then reconstructed later. In the .NET ecosystem, while there have been several libraries available for these operations, System.Text.Json has emerged as a modern, high-performance option built directly into .NET Core.

For performance-critical scenarios using System.Text.Json source generators can provide significant improvements by generating optimized serialization code at compile-time.

Basic Usage

To convert an object into its JSON representation:

string jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(ourObject);

To convert a JSON string back into an object:

OurObjectType obj = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<OurObjectType>(jsonString);


JsonSerializerOptions is a class that provides a way to specify various serialization and deserialization behaviors. Here are some of the commonly used options:

PropertyNameCaseInsensitive: When set to true, property name matching during deserialization is case-insensitive. This can be useful when dealing with JSON from sources that don't maintain consistent casing.

WriteIndented: Determines whether the output JSON should be pretty-printed with indentation, which can be useful for debugging or human readability.

DefaultIgnoreCondition: Determines the condition under which a property will be ignored during serialization. For instance, we can set it to JsonIgnoreCondition.WhenWritingNull to ignore properties with null values.

AllowTrailingCommas: When set to true, the deserializer will tolerate trailing commas in the JSON.

MaxDepth: Sets the maximum depth allowed when reading or writing JSON, protecting against deeply nested structures. This is primarily a safeguard against potential stack overflow exceptions, especially in recursive parsing scenarios. For example, setting MaxDepth = 1 would give us an extremely shallow structure, meaning we are only handling top-level properties. This could be useful if we are sure that our JSON data should only have simple key-value pairs without any nested objects or arrays.

ReferenceHandler: Controls how object references are managed during serialization/deserialization. There are primarily two built-in settings for the ReferenceHandler property:

  1. ReferenceHandler.Default: This is the default behavior, where object references are not preserved during serialization. If we have circular references in our object graph, serializing it with this setting will result in a stack overflow exception.
  2. ReferenceHandler.Preserve: This setting will preserve object references in the JSON output, and it can handle circular references without issues. This is done by adding metadata to the serialized JSON to track references.

Converters: We can add custom converters to handle specific serialization or deserialization scenarios that aren't covered by the default behavior. For instance, the JsonStringEnumConverter is commonly used if we want to represent enums as strings in the serialized output.


var options = new JsonSerializerOptions 
    PropertyNameCaseInsensitive = true,
    WriteIndented = true,
    DefaultIgnoreCondition = JsonIgnoreCondition.WhenWritingNull,
    AllowTrailingCommas = true,
    MaxDepth = 10,
    ReferenceHandler = ReferenceHandler.Preserve,
    Converters = { new JsonStringEnumConverter() }

These are just some of the many options available in JsonSerializerOptions. By understanding and utilizing these options, developers can fine-tune the behavior of System.Text.Json to match the specific needs of their applications.

Setting up JsonSerializerOptions globally

The AddJsonOptions extension method allows us to configure serialization settings globally for all controllers in an ASP.NET Core application. We typically do this in the Program.cs while configuring MVC services. Example:

 .AddJsonOptions(options => { ... });

Source Generators

The main drive behind Source Generators in System.Text.Json is performance. Traditional reflection-based serialization incurs runtime overhead, while Source Generators reduce this by generating code at compile-time. This leads to faster performance and reduced memory usage.

Why we don't use them as Default

  1. Flexibility and Customization: Reflection offers dynamic behaviors hard to replicate with Source Generators.
  2. Development Overhead: Setting up Source Generators can add complexity.
  3. Maturity Concerns: Early adoption could have led to stability issues.

When to Use Source Generators

  1. Performance-Critical Apps: Where utmost speed is essential.
  2. Stable Serialization Needs: For well-defined, rarely changing serialization tasks.
  3. Resource Limits: In constrained environments, like IoT, where resources are precious.

This feature can operate in two primary modes: gathering metadata and optimizing serialization. By default it utilises both modes.

Basic Setup:

To use source generation with default settings:


Consider a WeatherForecast class:

public class WeatherForecast {  
    public DateTime Date { get; set; }
    public int TemperatureCelsius { get; set; }
    public string? Summary { get; set; }

To enable source generation for this class:

public partial class WeatherForecastContext : JsonSerializerContext { }

Now we can utilise it like this:

jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(weatherForecast, typeof(WeatherForecast), WeatherForecastContext.Default);  

For ASP.NET Core Web API apps, we can use the AddContext method of JsonSerializerOptions to set up usage on controllers globally:

services.AddControllers().AddJsonOptions(options =>  
