
Tomislav Car

Infinum Has a New CEO

After 8 years as the COO, Nikola Kapraljević changed a vowel in his title.

Tomislav Car

“COVID-19 made us realize digital transformation has only just started”–Interview with DEPT's Bart Manuel

Interview with DEPT's Bart Manuel –from Covid-19 chaos, through future plans, to post-pandemic advice for businesses around the world.

Tomislav Car

Sweep Away Technical Debt with Trigger’s Broom

You build technology, but as you cut corners, you incur future costs that you’ll have to pay off eventually—or your project will go bankrupt.

Tomislav Car

Is Your Business Sinking into Technical Debt?

When you work on a software project, you can do things well, or you can do them fast. Every time you sacrifice quality for speed, you incur technical debt.

Tomislav Car

Android Development Is 30% More Expensive Than iOS. And We Have the Numbers to Prove It!

For a while now, we’ve been aware that Android development takes longer than iOS. We have the metrics to prove it, and it’s about time we show them.

Tomislav Car

Why Apple Pay Means More Native Apps. Also, In-App Purchase Is in a Weird Place Right Now…

Apple announced two new phones (boring), a new smartwatch (mildly interesting), and a payment system that could have a deep impact on the payment industry.

Tomislav Car

What to Do When You Get Attacked by Cyber Criminals

Last week, we had an outage on our systems because our DNS provider was under DDoS attack. Here are some lessons learned.

Tomislav Car