We hosted a Doors open event for students yesterday. It was a cool chance for students to see how a software design and development shop operates. And we had Rakia.
As a student, you mostly don’t have any idea how a proper workday looks like. Over 60 future designers and developers visited our Zagreb office yesterday, and got a glimpse of the everyday work-life at Infinum.
I gave them a quick rundown of the company, the technologies we use and how we’re organisationally set up (which is not all that complicated because we keep it as simple as possible without actually falling apart).
Next, Matej, Nixa, Josip and Darko talked about their teams and respective technologies they work with – iOS, Android, Web and Design).
After that, it was free for all time, students could walk up to anybody in the company, ask them about what they’re doing: how do they like it, is Objective-C hard, are Macs really the best development platform, and does the Web team really eat that much.
We’re hoping the guys and girls from FER, FOI, TVZ, GRF and Design studies liked it, and hope that some of them will be our future colleagues.
And thumbs up to Goran and Martina for doing a smashing job organising the event.

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