Fraud Alert

Please be aware of and avoid fraudulent communications purporting to be on behalf of Infinum, Infinum executives or employees.

Infinum has become aware of a sharp rise in attempts to impersonate the company, Infinum executives or human resources team. Scammers send emails from fake look-alike domains, WhatsApp messages and use social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Twitter.

These attempts aim to obtain sensitive personal or financial information of targeted companies and individuals, or to request payment as part of a job or supplier opportunity application. To identify these attempts and differentiate them from legitimate communications from Infinum, please note that:

Infinum’s executive team, including the CEO, do not contact prospective employees, contractors, clients etc. on social media networks. In most cases, you will be contacted by our HR Hiring team (if you are a prospective employee) or Business Development Team (if you are a prospective contractor or client). Please report any such accounts that represent themselves as executive team (or any other suspicious account) to 

Infinum will never offer to buy or sell products as part of an exchange on social media.

Infinum will never offer shares as part of an exchange.

Infinum will never request payment in cryptocurrencies, but only official state currencies (such as EUR, USD, GBP).

Infinum will never request fees or payment during any stage of its recruitment process. For questions on recruitment, please contact

Everything regarding hiring process is always communicated over official email or Linkedin profiles of our Hiring team members. The selection process is conducted either live or via Zoom or Google Meet. We never communicate during the selection process, offer employment or hire people through SMS, WhatsApp, Viber and similar channels.

Infinum will never request fees or payment from prospective contractors/clients during the onboarding/registration process.

Infinum does not communicate through SMS messages, WhatsApp, Viber or similar services, but all communication is conducted through official channels (email and official social profiles).

In most situations, Infinum will not send you legal documents (such as extracts from the company registry or other documents signed by company’s legal representatives) if there is no valid reason. If you receive such documents, please contact

Domains that Infinum employees use to communicate are strictly and only limited to and

For your own protection, we recommend that you remain alert and aware of these scam attempts.

If in doubt about the legitimacy of communication, please contact or use any of the contact information listed on our Contact page.