AI assistants,
wearables, multiplatform development


We explore three trending topics and provide valuable insights to enhance your Android development skills.

Want to learn how to boost productivity using GitHub Copilot? Create beautiful and functional user interfaces for wearable devices with Compose for Wear OS? Write code that can be shared across multiple platforms with Kotlin Multiplatfrom? This event will shed some light on three very current topics in the world of Android development – useful to beginner and experienced developers alike.

Boosting Productivity with Github Copilot

Silvio Mihalic

Android Engineer, Infinum

Silvio is an Android engineer with more than two years of experience spanning a range of industries, from fintech to IoT. Not just tech-savvy, but knowledgeable in various fields, when he’s not busy crafting code, Silvio can be found at the gym, making sure that he’s as fit as the apps he develops, or conquering opponents in a Formula 1 video game on a virtual racetrack.

In this lecture, Silvio will:


Demonstrate how to configure GitHub Copilot for Android Studio


Provide efficiency tips to maximize Copilot’s benefits


Showcase Copilot’s real-time code generation and efficiency-boosting features

for Wear OS

Tihana Štifanić

Android Engineer, Infinum

Tihana is an Android developer with two years of experience who worked on diverse projects ranging from fintech to the automotive industry. She appreciates the fine things made by Google and might even allow herself to be called a Google fangirl. When she’s not working, she particularly enjoys those cloudy days when she can relish the simple joys of a good TV show or a book.

In this lecture, Tihana will:


Provide an overview of Wear OS, including the platform’s key features and capabilities


Explore key guidelines and principles for creating apps for small wearable devices


Navigate through a selection of Composables vital for building UIs on Wear OS.

Kotlin Multiplatform for Android developers

Vid Starič

Head of Android Development, Povio

Vid is a seasoned Android developer and solution architect with a diverse portfolio spanning social media, fintech, crypto, and medical tech. Currently, he is the head of Android development at Povio, where he leads a talented team to create innovative and user-friendly apps. His expertise and passion continue to drive impactful contributions in the ever-changing mobile app development landscape.

In this lecture, Vid will:


Take us through Kotlin Multiplatform for Android developers


Talk about architecture, libraries and developer workflows


Warn about the common pitfalls

You coming?