Last modified on Wed 22 Jul 2020
Maintained by Marko Ćilimković

Our Git process is an upgraded version of Github Flow.

Instead of a single master branch, we use two branches to record the history of the project. The master branch stores code that's currently in production. The staging branch serves as an integration branch for features and fixes. It holds data that reflects what's currently on staging.

The master branch must always be deployable.

As we use Productive to manage our tasks, we use feature branches for fixes and new features. Our branch naming convention is {type}/{task-number}{descriptive-task-name}. For example, a branch for adding authentication would be named feature/123-authentication.


Feature branches should always be branched out of master. They are also merged first into staging, and then into master if they are ready for production.

Never branch out of the staging branch and never merge staging into master

Why you need the staging branch and why you should never merge it into master

We use the staging server so that our QA team could test our applications in an environment that is as close to production as possible. We can also work on multiple features in parallel. Those fixes and features need to be verified by our QA team and sometimes by the client as well. Sometimes, a feature may be ready for production while others aren't and are still being worked on. In that case, the staging branch contains multiple features, but only one needs to end up on master. That is why we do not branch out of staging and do not merge staging into master.

Note on the workflow during early development:

While the application has not been deployed to a production server yet, you can omit the staging branch. Once the production server has been set up, and the first deploy is up, create a staging branch.

Other important notes on using Git:

Commit messages are important, especially since Git tracks your changes and then displays them as commits once they've been pushed to the server. By writing clear commit messages, you can make it easier for other people to follow and provide feedback. Commits should have a descriptive subject as well as a quick explanation of the reason for the change in the commit body. This makes it easier to check changes in the code editor as you do not have to find the pull request and open it on GitHub. Read more about writing proper commit messages here.

Follow the Single Resposibility Principle in git commits. This makes commits easier to review when making pull requests, and it's easier to notice what's going on when something's wrong.

Don't use git add . Review what you're adding to your repo — this is the #1 cause of making unwanted changes.