Folder Structure
Last modified on Mon 13 Sep 2021

The first concern of the architect is to make sure that the house is usable; it is not to ensure that the house is made of brick. — Uncle Bob

What it looks like now

Ruby on Rails is an opinionated framework and forces developers into a specific folder structure. Most gems also follow the Rails guidelines of how the folder structure should look like. On smaller projects this can be fine, but on bigger monoliths the files can get out of hand and it becomes too difficult to find the right class.

Here is a typical Rails folder structure:

├── assets         # sprockets
├── channels       # active_cable
├── components     # view_component
├── controllers    # Rails 
├── decorators     # draper
├── enumerations   # enumerations
├── forms          # reform/active_type
├── helpers        # Rails
├── javascript     # webpacker
├── jobs           # active_job/sidekiq
├── mailers        # Rails
├── models         # Rails
├── policies       # pundit/active_policy
├── serializers    # AMS/jsonapi-serializer
├── services       # PORO
├── uploaders      # shrine
└── views          # Rails

This type of folder structure usually encourages a flat hierarchy of classes, which, again, is fine for a smaller projects but falls short when the application grows. It is said that you can discern the application's purpose just by looking at files in your services folder.

Here is an example of a project services folder. Can you tell me what this application does?


├── add_points_to_user.rb
├── aes_crypt.rb
├── assign_geo_keywords.rb
├── assign_location_attributes.rb
├── braintree
│   ├── customer_and_token_creator.rb
│   └── webhook_handler.rb
├── calculate_bearing.rb
├── developers
│   └── api
│       └── v1
│           └── process_occupancy_params.rb
├── devise
│   └── strategies
│       └── jwt.rb
├── export_service
│   ├── config.rb
│   ├── generator.rb
│   ├── model.rb
│   └── options_formatter.rb
├── exporter
│   ├── creator.rb
│   └── generator.rb
├── exporters
│   └── csv
│       ├── base.rb
│       └── generator.rb
├── feature.rb
├── filters
│   ├── creator.rb
│   └── updater.rb
├── generate_friends_report.rb
├── indigo
│   ├── cancel_reservation.rb
│   └── create_reservation.rb
├── jwt_serializer.rb
├── locations
│   └── actions.rb
├── loyalty_points_awarder.rb
├── mailgun_notify_email_forwarder.rb
├── merge_parking_places.rb
├── migrations
│   └── file_mover.rb
├── notifications
│   ├── amazon_notifications.rb
│   ├── firebase_notifications.rb
│   ├── sender.rb
│   └── shared_actions.rb
├── parking_place_awarder.rb
├── parking_place_exporter.rb
├── parking_places
│   ├── category_updater.rb
│   ├── country_code_mapper.rb
│   ├── creator.rb
│   ├── exporter.rb
│   ├── generators
│   │   ├── icons
│   │   │   ├── combiner.rb
│   │   │   └── type.rb
│   │   └── icons.rb
│   ├── icon_types.rb
│   ├── icons
│   │   └── updater.rb
│   ├── icons.rb
│   ├── occupancies
│   │   └── setter.rb
│   ├── security_rating.rb
│   └── updater.rb
├── payment_exporter.rb
├── payments
│   └── exporter.rb
├── promiles
│   ├── add_driving_distance.rb
│   ├── build_polyline.rb
│   ├── corridor_search.rb
│   ├── create_or_update_parking_places.rb
│   ├── create_or_update_promiles_locations.rb
│   └── get_route.rb
├── provider_occupancies_service.rb
├── providers
│   ├── client
│   │   └── mdm.rb
│   └── parser
│       ├── a63_france.rb
│       └── mdm.rb
├── request_logs
│   ├── archive_partition.rb
│   ├── create_archive.rb
│   └── create_partition.rb
├── reservations
│   ├── booking_id_generator.rb
│   ├── charger.rb
│   ├── creator.rb
│   ├── emails.rb
│   ├── integrations_caller.rb
│   ├── mails_sender.rb
│   ├── notifications_sender.rb
│   ├── settler.rb
│   ├── status_setter.rb
│   ├── updater.rb
│   ├── users_setter.rb
│   └── voider.rb
├── shared
│   └── filter_suggested.rb
├── stats_maker.rb
├── subscriptions
│   └── actions.rb
├── tln
│   └── number_checker.rb
├── translators
│   └── google.rb
├── units.rb
├── update_user_to_developer.rb
├── user_loyalty_points.rb
├── users
│   ├── actions.rb
│   ├── creator.rb
│   ├── destroyer.rb
│   ├── exporter.rb
│   ├── o_auth_creator.rb
│   ├── retrieve_all_data
│   │   ├── base.rb
│   │   ├── favorites.rb
│   │   ├── friends_list.rb
│   │   ├── notifications.rb
│   │   ├── personal_information.rb
│   │   └── reviews.rb
│   ├── retrieve_all_data.rb
│   └── settings.rb
├── vat_checker.rb
├── version_converter.rb
└── x_server
    ├── add_detour_distance.rb
    ├── add_driving_distance.rb
    ├── base.rb
    ├── build_polyline.rb
    ├── corridor_search.rb
    ├── get_detour_distance.rb
    ├── get_driving_distance.rb
    ├── get_geo_keywords.rb
    ├── get_location_attributes.rb
    ├── get_route.rb
    └── leave_reachable.rb

At some point this folder became a dumpall folder without rhyme or reason. There is also an issue of boundaries: there are none. Each class is used from anywhere in the application and that can cause headaches.

Desired structure

Here is a folder structure we should strive for

├── controllers  # Rails 
├── frontend     # webpacker
├── domains      # custom
├── models       # Rails
├── views        # Rails
└── web          # custom

Let's first talk about Rails-specific folders (controllers, views and models).

The views folder needs to exist because it is hardcoded in the Rails itself (

The controllers folder is there because of the way Rails finds controller names (it appends "Controller" to the resource name) (

models is a folder where we put all our ActiveRecord models. It is technically not necessary but we will talk about it in the Further Improvements chapter.

domains vs web folder

web is for classes used in controller actions: forms, policies, serializers, queries and similar. domains is for business logic.

web folder

The web folder structure should follow your routes. Having these routes:

namespace: :dasboard do
  resources :projects
namespace :api do
  namespace :v1 do
    resources :projects

it would have this folder structure:

├── dashboard
│   ├── projects
│   │   ├── presenter.rb
│   │   ├── decorator.rb
│   │   ├── form.rb
│   │   └── policy.rb
├── api
│   ├── v1
│   │   ├── v1
│   │   │   ├── projects
│   │   │   │   ├── policy.rb
│   │   │   │   ├── query.rb
│   │   │   │   └── serializer.rb
├── mailers
│   ├── projects
│   │   ├── mailer.rb
│   │   └── decorator.rb

domains folder

The domains folder should be organized into domains.

The main idea is to create cohesive groups of domain objects that are involved in the same business use case(s). The same way we try to build classes that are loosely coupled but highly cohesive we should build our domains as well. Here is an example of domains folder:

├── base
│   ├── decorator.rb
│   ├── mailer.rb
│   ├── policy.rb
│   ├── presenter.rb
│   ├── query.rb
│   └── serializer.rb
├── exports
│   ├── formatters
│   ├── csvs
│   └── spreadsheets
├── external
│   └── zapier.rb
├── projects
│   ├── counter.rb
│   └── presister.rb
└── utils
    ├── cache.rb
    └── slug.rb

Further improvements