Technical One-on-One
Last modified on Mon 17 Jul 2023

Technical One-on-One with Lead Engineers

Regardless of whether you're going through your onboarding or perhaps you're just having issues on your current project, you're free to schedule a technical One-on-One with any of the Lead Engineers (from now on, LEs) in your team.

The idea is that any of the LEs will jump into a meeting with you and help you out with the issue you're facing - be it that you just need a brainstorming session, a way to come up with or wrap up a solution you've been considering, or that you just need some help understanding the business logic on the project you've landed on.
So, for any technical tidbits that end up troubling you, you just need to book a meeting with one of the LEs and they're going to help you out, or alternatively, provide means to help you out solving the issue.

All the steps that you need to do are:

If for whatever reason they won't be able to attend it at that particular time slot, they'll propose a new one for you - or see who's free to take on the challenge.

Remember, LEs are here to make your lives a bit easier, so make use of their time!