Tips and Tricks
Last modified on Tue 24 Aug 2021
Android Studio tips
IDE tips
- Split screen
- Right click on tab on main screen
- Shortcut: Preferences -> Keymap -> search Split Vert/Horiz
- Distraction Free Mode - View -> Appearance -> Enter Distraction Free Mode
Editor tips:
- Shifting code Up/Down
- Line of code: Option + Shift + Up/Down
- Method (Select the name): Cmd + Shift + Up/Down
- Go to implementation - Cmd + Option + B
- Go to declaration - Cmd + B
- Go to super - Cmd + U
- Switch tabs - Cmd + Shift + (left) /
- Format code - Cmd + Option + L
- Auto indent lines - Control + Option + I
- Smart code completion - Control + Shift + Space
Other tips:
- Open recent files - Cmd + E
- Open last file - Cmd + E, Enter
- Open recent locations - Cmd + Shift + E
- Open a class - Cmd + O
- Open any file - Cmd + Shift + O
- Rename - Shift + F6 + Fn (in most cases)
- Extracting variables - Cmd + Option + V
- Extracting methods - Cmd + Option + M
- Extracting method parameters - Cmd + Option + P
- Open search - Double tap Shift
- Jump to error - F2 + Fn (in most cases)
- Fix warning/error - Option + Enter
- Select opened file - Option + F1 + Fn (in most cases), press 1 after
- Show Context Actions - Option + Enter
- Extract to separate widget - Select a widget, Refactor -> Extract -> Flutter Widget
- You can right click /ios or /android module and open it in XCode or Studio to work on some native part.
Flutter tips
- Dart DevTools for debugging and checking performance: