Eightshift Boilerplate
Last modified on Mon 19 Feb 2024

Infinum's Eightshift Boilerplate is the basis of every WordPress-based project we work on at Infinum.

The repository can be found here.

General info

Eightshift Boilerplate is an easy way to kick-start your WordPress development using modern programming practices. We wanted to utilize all the advantages of modern PHP practices, which is why we used namespacing to ensure avoiding any possible class, method, and function clashes in the global namespace. We also implemented an autoloader, which means you no longer have to manually require your classes. Just instantiate them, and the autoloader will take care of the rest. With an added performance boost.

We also used Webpack to bundle all the assets (images, JavaScript, fonts, and Sass files). This will introduce you to the concepts of modern JavaScript development. In addition to all the advantages that Webpack offers (Browsersync plugin that makes cross-device development super easy), it enables you to use all interesting ES6 features (arrow functions, classes, exports, etc.).

Read the readme of the project to learn more about other added bonuses.

This is in-depth documentation on how to run and modify the WordPress boilerplate code. The intended use of this boilerplate is to introduce modern front-end development tools to WordPress.

Getting started

Read the eightshift-docs to get started with project development.